First Character Prices*
Bust sketch: £3
Half body sketch: £5
Full body sketch: £7
Additional prices after sketch
Line Art: £3
(You will be sent the sketch and the line art separately)
Full block color: £1
Shading: £3
Additional characters
This price is calculated based on the total pricing of the first character. Each additional character will be an extra 70% based of the first character.**
For example, if your first character is a bust, with line art, block color and basic shading, that would total to £9, and then any additional characters would cost £6.30 each and will be drawn to the same standard.
Additional background prices
Any single block color background or transparency will be free
Basic pattern background: £1
Detailed background starting price: £5
Detailed backgrounds will be priced according to the complexity of the background, so for example a couple of furniture pieces would only be £5, but if you wanted a full bedroom set, then the price could be anything from £7 to £15, but will be discussed on a one to one basis.
Additional fees
Any complexity to characters will also determine price, but will be quoted on a one to one basis.
Extra Information
*Sketches are a rough line art, no draft lines will be included in the final sent image. Look to gallery for reference.
**First character will always be the most expensive character, so if you wish for a full body and a half body, the first character will be the full body.
Additional characters will only count on the same art piece, if you are wanting more than one art piece, the additional discount does not apply.
Refunds will not be given after the WIP is sent.